Put your kids to work (not literally, that's illegal). It's one of the easiest ways to pile up your Velocity Points and Status Credits.

The kids are never too young to learn the value of hard work. After all, you want your children to grow into adults with street smarts, right? When you sign the clan up for Velocity’s Family Points Pooling, you get to work together to accrue Velocity Points and Status Credits when you travel.

It doesn’t have to be “the whole family” either – if you and your partner travel regularly, deciding to pool means one of you has a shot at reaching Gold Velocity, which offers Virgin Australia Lounge access for the beneficiary and a guest (go on, take the generous partner).

As far as ‘work’ goes, it’s a pretty sweet gig. One, they don’t have to do anything except live at your home and add their Velocity membership number to their booking. They’ll certainly appreciate the value of contributing to the household when you jet off on a holiday that’s been part-funded by your Velocity Points.

How does it work? Simple. Sign up the whole household – that’s two family members over 18 and up to four under 18 who all live at the same address. Every time anyone in the pool earns, their Velocity Points (or Points and Status Credits if you select that option) are transferred to your account, fast-tracking your Velocity Points (and possibly Status Credits) balance. You can set up Family Pooling under “My Velocity” and heading to “Link & Transfer” on the top navigation bar. 

It’s so easy the kids could manage the process for you. Here’s what you need to do: 

Make sure you're all signed up

First, you might want to explain the benefits of Points to the little cherubs. Once they’ve digested this essential life lesson, make sure they’re all signed up so they can play their part in the Family Pooling process. Once they turn 18, they’re out of the pool, but you can swap in a younger member of the family who hasn’t started doing their bit yet.

Pick a beneficiary

From here, you need to decide who’s going to be the contributor(s) and beneficiary of Family Points Pooling in your clan. The beneficiary is the account where Points and / or Status Credits will be pooled to. But before you and your significant other battle it out, know that it isn’t a forever thing. You can change the beneficiary twice in one year. Once you’ve decided on a beneficiary, gather the Velocity membership numbers of the people you want to pool. Log in to "My Velocity" and head to "Link & Transfer" on the top navigation bar, and follow the prompts to start pooling. 

Before you jump in and start pooling, please know that pooling relationships have to be created and ended from the contributor account. 

Book a family trip (or two)

Not only do you get to have an awesome family holiday, you’ll see Velocity Points and Status Credits pile up faster than you can tell little Jack to stop annoying his sister. After a few trips as a family, you could be well on your way to achieving Platinum, Gold or Silver Velocity Status, thanks in part to the kids, who’ve sent their Status Credits your way.

Once you’ve reached your desired Velocity Points or Status target, share the love and let your partner be the beneficiary for a while. The family that shares the benefits of Family Points Pooling has happier holidays (or so we hear).

Reap the rewards

We've already told you you’ll get a bigger injection of Velocity Points and Status Credits for your efforts with Family Points Pooling, so we won’t say it again. We’ll just leave you with this – free cheese toasties in the Virgin Australia Lounge before flights. The. Best.

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