We’re making changes to the Velocity membership Terms and Conditions.
On 2 April 2025, we’re making changes to the Velocity membership Terms and Conditions to reflect the following program changes we announced on 17 October 2024, including:
On 1 October 2025, we’ll make further changes to the Velocity membership Terms and Conditions to reflect the following program changes we announced on 17 October 2024, including:
Closer to 1 October 2025, we’ll publish a full copy of the updated Velocity membership Terms and Conditions on our website.
The below Velocity membership Terms and Conditions will apply from 2 April 2025.
These Terms contain important things that you should be aware of, specifically:
1.1 These Terms are a contract between you and us
The Velocity Frequent Flyer program (Velocity) is provided in accordance with these Velocity membership terms and conditions (Terms) between its members (also referred to as you, your) and Velocity Rewards Pty Ltd ABN 98 116 089 448 as trustee for The Loyalty Trust ABN 79 580 890 951 (referred to as we, us, our).
If you join Velocity and become a Velocity member (a member), these Terms will become a contract between you and us. We both need to comply with them. These Terms are effective as at 2 April 2025 and the laws of Queensland apply to these Terms.
You should regularly check these Terms, including before using any member benefits, as they can change over time (see clause 1.3).
1.2 Important things to know about being a Velocity Member
1.3 Changes to these Terms and the Velocity program
We may need to make changes to the Velocity program or these Terms from time to time, and we’ll act reasonably in making any changes. Please note that member benefits and features of the Velocity program will change over time, and that we cannot guarantee they will always be available. For example, this means that we may change any of the benefits and features, including:
It is also important to be aware that partners of the Velocity program may change the way in which you can earn or redeem Points (for instance, a partner may change the number of partner points required to transfer to Velocity), and Velocity may not have control over these changes.
1.4 When and how we’ll give you notice of changes
Changes within Velocity's control
Velocity may make changes to the Velocity program or these Terms which may have positive or negative effects on the way in which you interact with the Velocity program.
If we make a positive or minor change to the Velocity program or these Terms (for instance, introducing a new partner or a new benefit, or reducing or waiving the cost of a benefit to you, or making minor changes to the content or language of our website or these Terms), we may not give you notice before the changes start applying. Where relevant, the Velocity website will be updated with information about the change, including the date from which the change will take effect, and, where relevant, you will be eligible to receive the benefit of the change.
If we:
Changes outside of Velocity's control
Where we cannot control the change to the Velocity program or these Terms, we may not be able to provide notice before the change starts applying. This is, for instance, because the change is made by a partner of the Velocity program.
If there is a major negative change (for instance, a partner making a key negative change to the Velocity Points offer), we'll provide a notice on our website (which may not be before the change starts applying).
1.5 How we deal with each other and how to contact us
You must act fairly and reasonably when you deal with us and our partners. We’ll act fairly and reasonably when we deal with you as a member. If you have any questions about these Terms, or would like to make a complaint, you can contact the Membership Contact Centre or submit a question or complaint online.
1.6 We can’t guarantee that Velocity will continue forever
If we choose to shut down the Velocity program including these Terms, we’ll do our best to give you at least 6 months’ notice of this by an announcement on the Velocity website and by notice to the email address (or postal address if no valid email address is held) recorded in your Velocity account.
We’ll act reasonably when considering what actions are appropriate and reasonable in the event the Velocity program is shut down.
Your Velocity membership is subject to these Terms and any applicable laws, including the Australian Consumer Law. If any provision of these Terms is void, illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the Terms will be read down to the extent necessary to ensure they are not void, illegal, invalid or unenforceable.
In Australia, you have certain rights under the Australian Consumer Law, which include guarantees that come with your purchase of products or services (Consumer Guarantees). Your rights under the Consumer Guarantees are separate from, and in addition to the terms which govern how we provide products and services to you. We cannot exclude the operation of the Consumer Guarantees in these Terms.
Where we fail to provide products or services to you in accordance with the Consumer Guarantees, you may be entitled to a repair, replacement, refund or other remedies under the Australian Consumer Law. You may also be entitled to compensation for reasonably foreseeable costs that you incur because of the failure.
These Terms do not exclude or limit the application of the Consumer Guarantees in the Australian Consumer Law or any other statutory rights that you may have under applicable laws that cannot be excluded or limited. Where there is an inconsistency between these Conditions and a Law or Convention that applies to your carriage, the Law or Convention will apply to the extent of the inconsistency.
This is only a short summary of your rights under the Australian Consumer Law. For more information, visit the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s website at www.accc.gov.au, or talk to an independent legal representative.
2.1 Who can join the Velocity program
You’re eligible to become a member of the Velocity program if you:
Your Velocity membership application is at our discretion (for instance, we may not let you become a member again if we've previously ended your membership, or we may refuse your application or end your membership if you do not meet the eligibility criteria). If we accept your application, you’ll become a member and receive a unique membership number (your Velocity number). If you provide an email address, we’ll usually send a confirmation email as soon as we accept your application. It could take up to 7 days to confirm your membership if you’ve joined through one of our partner join channels.
If you’re under 18 years:
If you joined Velocity before you turned 18 and continue to be a member once you turn 18, you’ll be legally bound by these Terms.
2.2 Our promises to each other
You’ll need to:
We will also:
2.3 Your Velocity account and members benefits
Your Velocity account contains details of your membership and activity. When you log in to your Velocity account, you’ll find your Points, Status Credits and Eligible Sector balances, Status level, member benefits that come with your Status, Velocity number, personal details and offers.
Please check your Velocity account regularly to confirm that member benefits, including Points and Status Credits, have been properly credited. There are specific timeframes within which you can submit a retrospective claim to have Points or Status Credits earned on eligible transactions transferred to your account, which differ for each partner. You can check the timeframes on the partner pages on the Velocity website, or with the partner. You can login and access your Velocity account through the Velocity website or Velocity App, using your Velocity number and password.
You can also access your Velocity account by calling the Membership Contact Centre. We’ll ask you security questions about your Velocity account and you’ll need to answer them correctly before you can access your Velocity account. You need to keep your Velocity account details (e.g. Velocity number, password, personal details etc) secure and confidential and not provide them to anyone. We’re not responsible for any dealings with your Velocity account or membership if you give any of these details to a third party, other than when you have appointed a Travel Coordinator as outlined below.
You can update your details (other than name, sex and date of birth) through the Velocity website or by calling the Membership Contact Centre. You can ask to change your name or correct an error in your date of birth by emailing copies of supporting documentation to us. Please see the FAQs for more information.
Executors or administrators of your estate can ask us to transfer your Points to another Velocity account or redeem Points associated with your Velocity account (or both). They’ll need to let us know as soon as possible as unused Points will continue to expire in accordance with clause 3.4. Status Credits, Status level, Eligible Sectors, and other member benefits can’t be transferred and will be forfeited once we are notified of your death.
You can’t buy, sell, transfer or otherwise deal with your or someone else’s Points, Status Credits, Status level, Eligible Sectors or other member benefits other than as expressly permitted by these Terms. Your member benefits aren’t transferable except in the limited circumstances set out in these Terms – i.e. under clause 5 and Points transfers made by executors and administrators (see above). Membership isn’t transferable.
More details on member benefits can be found on the Velocity website.
If you’re a Velocity member over the age of 18, you may request Velocity to nominate and authorise a representative over the age of 18 to access, and make transactions in relation to, your Velocity account (Travel Coordinator). If you’re the person who will act as the Travel Coordinator, you may also request Velocity to appoint you as the representative for a member’s Velocity account. Requests must be made by calling the Member Contact Centre. As part of the request, Velocity will need to collect some basic personal information about the nominated Travel Coordinator, including their name and a valid email address. If you’re providing this information on behalf of someone else you must make sure you have their permission.
Once a request has been made via the Membership Contact Centre, Velocity will send acceptance emails to the Velocity member and the proposed Travel Coordinator, using the email address on the member’s Velocity account and the email address provided for the Travel Coordinator. The member and the Travel Coordinator must click on the relevant link in the email to confirm acceptance of the nomination. This must be done within the specified timeframe (usually 72 hours). A new request will need to be made if the confirmation is not accepted within the specified timeframe.
An accepted Travel Coordinator nomination is valid for 2 years, unless revoked earlier by Velocity, the member or the Travel Coordinator. After the 2 year period, a new request will need to be made and accepted following the above process in order to renew the nomination.
As a Velocity member, you cannot appoint more than 2 Travel Coordinators to your Velocity account at any one time. As a Travel Coordinator, you cannot be appointed as a Travel Coordinator for more than 5 Velocity accounts at any one time.
Velocity members who have appointed a Travel Coordinator:
Velocity may at any time refuse a Travel Coordinator nomination or revoke a Travel Coordinator appointment. Velocity may also require additional documentation or alter the acceptance process if the member is incapacitated or unable to act on their own behalf (for instance if the member has become unwell and unable to manage their account).
2.5 Unauthorised use of your Velocity account
It is your responsibility to keep secure any information that might identify you and allow access to your membership. You must contact Velocity as soon as you realise that your Velocity Card or Velocity number has been lost, stolen, misused or you accidentally reveal your Velocity number or password details. Until you contact Velocity, you may be liable for all unauthorised use of your Velocity Card, Velocity number or benefits.
If you notify us of unauthorised use of your Velocity account or we think your Velocity account may have been compromised, we may take any of the actions set out in clause 2.6 below and/or we may require you to create a new Velocity account or change your Velocity account details (or both). We may decide not to investigate unauthorised use or transactions until your new Velocity account has been created or your details are changed. If a new Velocity account is created, Points, Status Credits, Status level, Eligible Sectors and other member benefits from your previous Velocity account will be transferred but you’ll be responsible for linking your new Velocity account to relevant partner accounts.
2.6 When we can end or suspend your membership or take any other actions in relation to your account
If we reasonably suspect that:
we may:
Other than as set out below, if we suspend your membership or your account, and/or are considering ending your membership, we’ll give you notice of this and, if we suspect you have breached these Terms, we'll also give you at least 14 days to:
We’ll take your explanation into account in making our decision.
If we reasonably consider that a breach of these Terms cannot be rectified, we may immediately end your membership with notice to you.
In the event we end your membership, we'll close your Velocity account and you'll forfeit all your member benefits (including Points, Status Credits, Status level and Eligible Sectors).
2.7 How you can end your membership
2.7.1 You can end your membership at any time by giving notice to us by phone, email, or the Velocity App. If you end your membership for reasons other than Velocity’s breach of these Terms, we’ll close your Velocity account and you’ll forfeit all your member benefits (including Points, Status Credits, Status level and Eligible Sectors). You can’t reactivate a closed Velocity account and if you want to join again in future, you’ll need to create a new Velocity account.
2.7.2 If you end your membership because of Velocity’s breach of these Terms or an applicable law, you may be entitled to remedies under applicable laws (including the Australian Consumer Law).
All Velocity members will receive a personal Velocity membership card (Velocity Card).
Velocity may issue a digital Velocity Card and/or physical Velocity Card, depending on your Status level and preference as follows:
Copies or screenshots of Velocity Cards will not be accepted as proof of Velocity membership.
If you register and use your Velocity Card in Apple Wallet or Google Pay, then Velocity will share your Velocity number and associated barcode with Apple or Google (as the case may be) in order to facilitate the use of your Velocity Card with Apple Wallet and Google Pay. You acknowledge that your use of your digital Velocity Card in Apple Wallet or Google Pay will be subject to the privacy policies and terms and conditions of Apple and Google, as applicable.
Apple, the Apple logo, and Apple Wallet are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Google PayTM is a trademark of Google Inc.
Your Velocity Card will show your name, Velocity number and Review Date. Your Velocity Card is valid for use only by you up until the Review Date shown on the Velocity Card and is not transferable in any circumstances. Please note that any physical Velocity Card remains the property of Velocity at all timesI.
We and our partners (including our airline partners) reserve the right at any time to require you to produce your Velocity Card or to quote your Velocity number in order to earn or redeem Velocity Points, earn Status Credits or receive other member benefits.
If you are a Gold or Platinum member, a replacement physical Velocity Card may be ordered by you a maximum of twice per benefit period, via the Velocity App or MyVelocity website, or by calling the Velocity Membership Contact Centre on 13 18 75. If you require an additional membership card due to name change or other circumstances, please contact our Membership Contact Centre on 13 18 75.
Points are a member benefit that you can earn when you buy products or services from our partners, or complete certain activities (including in the Velocity App), that are eligible to earn Points – we refer to this as making an ‘eligible Points earn transaction’. Points don’t have a cash value and can’t be converted to cash (and they aren’t property or currency).
As a member, you have lots of ways to earn Points. Once you’ve earned enough Points, you can redeem them for Rewards (as long as they’re available and you comply with these Terms).
You can earn Points for eligible Virgin Australia flights and eligible airline partner flights travelled from your join date, or up to 30 days before your join date if you submit a retrospective earn claim. You can only earn Points on eligible transactions with non-airline partners from your join date.
Eligible Points earn transactions and the terms on which you can earn Points differ between partners and offers, and may vary depending on your Status level. You should check partners’ Points earn rates and applicable terms and conditions before making an eligible Points earn transaction or engaging with an offer.
For details of current partners and Points earn rates and applicable terms and conditions, check out the partner pages on the Velocity website. We’ve also included a summary below of some key things you should know.
Earn in the sky with Virgin Australia and our airline partners
Virgin Australia
You can earn Points for eligible travel with Virgin Australia as follows:
1. Virgin Australia domestic and international short haul flights
The Points you earn for eligible Virgin Australia domestic and international short haul flights (including flights operated by Link Airways and Alliance Airlines for Virgin Australia, Virgin Australia marketed and Link Airways operated flights, and Virgin Australia marketed and Air New Zealand operated flights) are based on how much your fare costs and, for flight bookings from 2 April 2025, whether you are an eligible Velocity Points earning credit cardholder.
An eligible Velocity Points earning credit cardholder is a Velocity member who has a complete Velocity member profile (i.e., they can log into their Velocity account online and have provided us with all the necessary information to complete their profile) and has earned Points (as a primary credit cardholder) with their eligible Velocity Points earning credit card from spend in the 12 months prior to flying on the eligible Virgin Australia domestic and international short haul flight. Please note that the eligible Velocity Points earning credit card doesn't need to be active (i.e., it may be cancelled or expired) at the time of flying. A full list of eligible Velocity Points earning credit cards can be found here. Please note that Velocity reserves the right to update the list of eligible Velocity Points earning credit cards from time to time.
Points are calculated on the 'all inclusive fare' price (in Australian dollars) which includes the base fare, taxes (including GST), fees and carrier charges. Points aren't earned on other fees, charges, and extras (e.g., seat selection, preferred seating, baggage charges, and credit card surcharges).
2. Virgin Australia long haul international flights and Virgin Australia flights booked on the same itinerary as other airlines
The Points you earn for an eligible Virgin Australia long haul international flight (operated by Qatar Airways for Virgin Australia) or on a Virgin Australia flight booked on the same itinerary as another airline (excluding Link Airways, Alliance Airlines and Air New Zealand) will be based on the fare type originally purchased and the number of miles you are travelling.
Airline partners
You can earn Points for eligible travel with our many airline partners.
The Points you earn are usually based on the fare type and the number of miles you are travelling, so the higher your fare type and the further you fly, the more Points you generally earn.
Your Points earn rate may vary depending on the type of ticket you buy. This is usually due to the terms of our commercial arrangements with partners.
Some airline partner flights are not eligible to earn any Points due to the terms of our commercial arrangements. Check our airline partner page for more information.
Other important things you should know
Earn on the ground with Velocity’s other partners
You can earn Points when you make an eligible Points earn transaction with our partners in various categories including retail, lifestyle, travel and financial services.
Earn Points through the Velocity App or the Velocity website
You may be eligible to earn Points when using the Velocity App or visiting the Velocity website (such as by completing specified actions).
Earn when you shop at the Velocity e-Store
You can browse hundreds of retailers and earn Points when you shop online and make an eligible purchase with the Velocity e-Store.
The Velocity e-Store is run by Collinson Group Pty Ltd ACN 083 835 661 (Collinson). In addition to these Terms, your use of the Velocity e-Store is subject to any terms and conditions published by Collinson on the Velocity e-Store or linked from the Velocity e-Store (e.g. retailer terms and conditions). These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time, so please read them carefully each time you access the Velocity e-Store.
Some other important things you need to know about earning Points:
3.2 Buying Points with Velocity Points Booster
If you don’t have enough Points to redeem a Reward, you can buy Points with Velocity Points Booster if you follow these rules:
Points you buy must be redeemed for a Reward. Buying Points doesn’t guarantee the availability of the Reward you’d like. Once you buy Points, the amount paid is non-refundable (unless you’re entitled to a refund under the Australian Consumer Law). A fee applies for Points Booster transactions made through the Membership Contact Centre.
This is the only method by which you can buy Points.
3.3 What to do if you think you’re missing Points
If you have an enquiry about an eligible Points earn transaction (e.g. you think the Points you’ve earned are wrong or you haven’t received Points) or you want to make a retrospective earn claim (if available), you must:
We may not be able to help you with your enquiry (i.e. you may miss out on earning Points) if it isn’t made within the above timeframes.
Points in the Velocity program have an expiry date (Points Expiry Date) which have different durations and depend on different Velocity account activities (Long Term and Short Term Activities).
Points Expiry Date
The Points Expiry Date for the Points in your Velocity account is 24 months from the date of your last Long Term Activity unless you have one or more Short Term Activities which may change the Points Expiry Date for the Points in your Velocity accounts as follows:
The Points Expiry Date for your Velocity account will be the last day of the month following the month in which the Short Term Activity occurs (for instance, if you carry out a Short Term Activity on 6 August 2024, your Points Expiry Date will be set to 30 September 2024).
The existing Points Expiry Date for the Points in your Velocity account will be extended to the last day of the month following the month of your existing Points Expiry Date (for instance, if your existing Points Expiry Date is 7 November 2024 and you carry out a Short Term Activity on 6 August 2024, your Points Expiry Date will be extended to 31 December 2024).
Long Term Activities:
Short Term Activities:
When you use your Points for Rewards, this is referred to as “redeeming Points”. We allow you to redeem Points with the help of our partners who supply Rewards. Points can only be redeemed as provided in these Terms or as we otherwise expressly allow.
Rewards are subject to availability and any terms and conditions imposed by the supplier of the Rewards. The partners we work with usually also have separate terms and conditions that may also govern your relationship with them as well as the supply of Rewards. A list of current Rewards is available. We can’t guarantee the availability of Rewards.
You’ll only be able to redeem Points for a Reward if you have the required number of Points in your Velocity account for that Reward. We’ll let you know how many Points you’ll need to redeem and any cash amount (if applicable) you’ll need to pay to obtain a Reward. We usually set this out on the Velocity website (e.g. see the Reward Seat points and carrier charges tables). In some cases, you’ll need to call the Membership Contact Centre to find out how many Points (and dollars) you’ll need to redeem a Reward.
If you have queries or complaints about the quality or otherwise of a Reward, please contact the supplier of that Reward in the first instance. You can also contact the Membership Contact Centre.
You can use your Points to redeem a flight Reward offered by Virgin Australia and airline partners in accordance with these Terms. Please consider the Fare Rules and the relevant airline’s conditions of carriage that apply for each type of flight Reward before making a booking.
A Flight Sector is a single direct flight between two consecutive locations (e.g. Sydney to Melbourne direct is one Flight Sector).
Reward Seat | Any Seat & Points + Pay | |
What is it? | It’s a discounted seat with limited availability, on Virgin Australia and selected Velocity airline partner flights that can only be paid for with Points. | It’s a seat in any fare type (excluding Reward Seat fares) on any flight offered for sale by Virgin Australia in its own sales channels. |
Are there limits on availability? |
Yes – availability is limited and controlled by Virgin Australia, our other airline partners and us. We pride ourselves on having award winning availability because we know our members love redeeming for flight Rewards, however not all flight Rewards have the same availability. Availability may be limited or not available at all on certain routes, during peak travel periods (e.g. school and public holidays), on international flights and within the business class cabin, due to the popularity of these services. |
No – you can redeem Points to pay (in part or in full) for any available Any Seat on any Virgin Australia or codeshare Partner flight. These flight Rewards are the easiest to book as they’re available so long as there is a seat on the flight you want. These flight Rewards require more of your Points overall as they offer greater flexibility - meaning you are more likely to be able to choose flights that suit your preferred travel times. |
Where can I book it? | On the Velocity website & App, Virgin Australia website & App or by calling the Membership Contact Centre. A fee applies if you book through the Membership Contact Centre when the Airline Partner provides an online Reward Seat booking option. Quotes given by the Membership Contact Centre are not binding until your booking is created. For some airline partner Reward Seats, you’ll need to call the Membership Contact Centre to check availability as some Reward Seats can’t be searched or booked online. Find out more |
1. On the Velocity website & App or Virgin Australia website & App, by selecting the "use Points" tick box or Points form of Payment on the payment screen. 2. Selecting the Points button on the Virgin Australia website when making a booking. 3. By calling the Membership Contact Centre (a fee may apply). |
How many Points will I need? | You’ll need to use a minimum amount of Points to book a Reward Seat and these amounts vary according to destination, distance travelled, cabin, and airline partner. See the Reward Seat Points tables for further details and minimum Points amounts. |
You'll need a Points balance that is greater than the minimum redemption value. The minimum redemption amount is subject to change at Velocity's discretion as per clause 1.4 |
How can I pay? | You can pay using a combination of Points and cash or only Points. You can choose to pay for taxes, fees and carrier charges that apply to a Reward Seat by debit/credit card (e.g. a Points + Pay payment option). We’ll let you know these amounts at the time you book. If you want to use Points to cover everything – i.e. Reward Seat Points fare, taxes, fees and charges, we’ll let you know the total number of Points required at the time you book. |
You can pay using a combination of Points and cash or only Points. You can choose to pay for the balance cost of your fare above the minimum redemption amount required per person per one-way flight, by debit/credit card (e.g. a Points + Pay payment option). We’ll let you know the amount at the time you book. If you want to use Points to cover everything – i.e. Any Seat base fare, taxes, fees and charges, we’ll let you know the total number of Points required at the time you book. |
How is the cost calculated? |
Points amounts required are calculated according to the route, cabin class, airline partner, distance flown, number of Flight Sectors, and whether you have a transfer or stopover* between two Flight Sectors. Taxes, fees and charges that apply to the fare are determined by the airline partner who sells the fare and will vary depending on the route. Carrier charges also apply for some airline partners, including Virgin Australia. See the Reward Seat carrier charges table for further details. *International or Domestic to International stopover explained: E.g. a Reward Seat itinerary flying from Sydney to London via Singapore. If your transit time in Singapore is more than 24 hours, this will create a stopover/trip break. For the stopover itinerary, your journey will be calculated as individual sectors. Sector 1 from Sydney to Singapore plus sector 2 from Singapore to London. It means the minimum Points you’ll need to pay will be higher than if your transit time in Singapore was less than 24 hours. As your journey would be calculated as one sector Sydney to London. A Reward Seat is also calculated on a per sector basis when there is a change in class of travel within the journey, or when the combining a journey that includes airlines located in different Reward Seat Points tables. |
Points only or Points and cash amounts required are calculated based on the cash fare payable for the applicable fare type booked. Taxes, fees and charges that apply to the fare are determined by the airline partner who sells the fare and will vary depending on the route. |
Can I earn Points and Status Credits? |
No – Reward Seats aren’t eligible for Points or Status Credits earn. | Yes you can. You’ll earn based on the underlying fare type you’ve booked. Check out the airline partner pages for details on Points and Status Credit earn rates. |
When do I need to book it by? |
At least 1 hour prior to flight departure online for Virgin Australia domestic and Virgin Australia international short haul flights. At least 24 hours prior to flight departure online for airline partners. |
What fare rules and other conditions apply? |
The Reward Seat Fare Rules apply and set out the inclusions in your fare, as well as the conditions that apply if you want to change or cancel your booking. These are in addition to your rights under applicable laws, including the Australian Consumer Law. If you have booked a combination of Reward Seat and Any Seat in the same itinerary and you make a change or cancel the full journey, the fare rules of the more restrictive fare will apply due to system limitations. We therefore recommend that you make two separate one-way bookings to avoid this, or call our Membership Contact Centre on 13 18 75 for assistance. If you are changing one sector of the itinerary, the fare rules of the changed sector will apply. |
The fare rules that apply depend on the fare type you’ve booked (e.g. Business, Economy Flex, Economy Choice or Economy Lite) and are available on the Virgin Australia website. The relevant fare rules set out the inclusions in your fare, as well as the conditions that apply if you want to change or cancel your booking. |
Airline conditions of carriage also apply and will depend on the airline partner that operates the flight you travel on. If your itinerary includes more than one flight operator (e.g. a Virgin Australia operated flight and an Etihad Airways operated flight), then each of their conditions of carriage will apply to the Flight Sector they carry you on. Check the Virgin Australia website for applicable conditions of carriage and fare rules for Virgin Australia flights. Please refer to the relevant airline partner’s website for applicable conditions of carriage for airline partner flights. |
What’s the refund policy? |
This section sets out the conditions that apply if you want to cancel your booking for a Reward Seat or Any Seat. You may also have rights under applicable laws, including the Australian Consumer Law, see clause 1.7. If you cancel: If you have cancelled your flight, whether or not you’re entitled to a refund or credit depends on the fare rules for the flight Reward that you’ve booked. Reward Seats: Cancellations by you must be requested at least 24 hours prior to the flight’s scheduled departure or prior to commencement of any travel and refunds are subject to any relevant fees (set out in clause 11.1 of these Terms). More information about the Virgin Australia and Velocity Partner Airline fare rules are located here: https://www.virginaustralia.com/au/en/travel-info/flying-with-us/fare-types/velocity-reward-seat/ Any Seats or Points + Pay: If you want to cancel your Any Seat or Points + Pay seat, the refund and cancellation policy is dependent on the fare type that you have purchased. Refer to the Virgin Australia fare rules here: https://www.virginaustralia.com/au/en/travel-info/flying-with-us/fare-types/ Combined Reward Seat and Any Seat booking: If you have booked a combination of Reward Seat and Any Seat fares in the same itinerary and you make a change or cancel the full journey, the fare rules of the more restrictive fare will apply. We therefore recommend that you make two separate one-way bookings to avoid this, or call our Membership Contact Centre on 13 18 75 for assistance. If you are cancelling or changing one sector of a combined itinerary, the fare rules of the cancelled sector will apply. Where you cancel your Reward Seat sector and your Any Seat has more restrictive fare rules, only the base Points used to redeem the Reward Seat will be recredited to your Velocity account, and any additional value for your booking will be either forfeited or provided to you as a travel credit, depending on the type of fare you have booked for your Any Seat. If an airline partner cancels: When an airline partner cancels your Reward Seat or Any Seat flight and is unable to provide you with a suitable reaccommodation option, customers will be entitled to a refund to the original form of payment used for the booking, being either Points and currency, or just Points, or a travel credit where offered by us and elected by you. You will not be entitled to a refund where you choose to cancel your booking once travel has commenced, or if you check in but do not fly (unless you are otherwise entitled to a refund under the Australian Consumer Law). To the extent permitted by law, card payment surcharge and fees paid for services provided by our Membership Contact Centre are not refundable if your flight is cancelled for any reason. |
Can it be combined with another flight Reward? |
When you book a return Domestic journey, you can combine a Reward Seat and an Any Seat in the same itinerary (combining flight Rewards is not available on International journey). |
Any other restrictions? | Refer to the Fare Rules and conditions of carriage for the applicable flight Reward. | |
Flight Reward bookings are unable to be converted (e.g. converting an Any Seat to a Reward Seat). Reward Seats aren’t eligible for a cabin upgrade. Any Seats may be eligible for an upgrade depending on the fare and route booked. Children aged 2 years or older, and infants who travel in their own seat, will be charged the same amount as an adult. |
The Rewards Store is run by Collinson Group Pty Ltd ACN 083 835 661 (Collinson). Collinson sources and manages retailers who offer products and services (products) for sale at the Rewards Store.
In addition to these Terms, your use of the Rewards Store is subject to any terms and conditions published by Collinson on the Rewards Store or linked from the Rewards Store (e.g. retailer terms and conditions). These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time, so please read them carefully each time you access the Rewards Store.
5. TRANSFERRING POINTS (it’s different from redeeming them for rewards)
In these Terms, a Family Member is someone who is related to you in any of the following ways: husband, wife, domestic partner or de facto, mother or father (including in-law), son or daughter (including in-law), brother or sister (including in-law), great-grandparent, grandparent or grandchild, uncle or aunt, niece or nephew, first cousin, or any foster, step or adopted relationship in any of these categories. You may be required to provide evidence to our reasonable satisfaction that this person is related to you.
A Family Pool lets Family Members who live at the same residential address, transfer their Points, or Points and Status Credits, from up to 5 contributors to 1 beneficiary. All Family Members in the Family Pool must ensure that the same residential address is included in the relevant Velocity membership accounts when a Family Pool is created and maintained. To update your residential address, please log into your Velocity membership account and update your profile.
A beneficiary is the member that receives the Points, or Points and Status Credits, from the contributor(s) in the Family Pool.
A contributor is the member that chooses to pool newly earned Points, or Points and Status Credits into the beneficiary's account.
Some further Family Pooling rules:
5.2 Points transfers to Singapore Airlines
You can transfer Points from your Velocity account to, and you can receive a transfer of miles from your Singapore Airlines PPS Club / KrisFlyer membership account (Singapore Airlines account), subject to these rules:
In accordance with these Terms, we can vary the rate at which Points can be converted between your Velocity account and your Singapore Airlines account, and we'll do this in accordance with clause 1.4 (which explains when and how we'll give you notice of changes).
5.3 Points transfers to Family Members
You can transfer Points from your Velocity account to the Velocity account of any of your Family Members (see what we mean by this in clause 5 above), subject to these rules:
Status Credits are a member benefit that you can earn when you buy products or services from selected partners that are eligible to earn Status Credits (primarily Virgin Australia and selected airline partners) – we refer to this as making an ‘eligible Status Credits earn transaction’. Status Credits are only used to determine your Status level and your eligibility for certain member benefits. Status Credits don’t have a cash value and can’t be converted to cash (and they aren’t property or currency).
Status Credits earned from eligible airline partner transactions will expire 365 days from the flight departure date. Status Credits earned from eligible non-airline partner transactions will expire 365 days from the date they’re credited to your Velocity account after an eligible Status Credits earn transaction.
You can earn Status Credits for eligible Virgin Australia flights and eligible selected airline partner flights travelled from your join date or up to 30 days before your join date if you submit a retrospective claim. You can earn Status Credits on eligible transactions with selected non-airline partners from your join date. For details of current partners and Status Credits earn rates and restrictions, check out the partner pages on the Velocity website.
Eligible Status Credits earn transactions and the terms on which you can earn Status Credits differ between partners and may vary depending on your membership Status. Please check the Status Credits earn rates and applicable partner terms and conditions before making an eligible Status Credits earn transaction with a partner. Offers may also be sent directly to you. These offers may be personal to you and are sometimes not made available to all members.
Some other important things you need to know about earning Status Credits:
6.2 What to do if you think you’re missing Status Credits
If you have an enquiry about an eligible Status Credits earn transaction (e.g. you think the Status Credits you’ve earned are wrong or you haven’t received Status Credits) or you want to make a retrospective claim (if available), you must submit a claim through the missing Points claim tool on the Velocity website no later than 180 days from the date of the Status Credits activity you’re asking about.
We may not be able to help you with your enquiry (i.e. you may miss out on earning Status Credits) if it isn’t made within the above timeframes.
Your Status level with Velocity determines the types of member benefits you’re entitled to access. Below are some important concepts to understand:
When you join Velocity, you’ll be assigned Red Status. Each Status level has different member benefits, read more about Status.
Your Status level is assessed daily based on your Status Credits and Eligible Sector balances to determine if you’re eligible to upgrade your Status level.
If you meet the eligibility criteria for a Status level, you’ll be upgraded to that Status level for your Benefit Period. On each Review Date, if you still meet the eligibility criteria for a Status level, you’ll maintain that Status level for a further Benefit Period after the Review Date. If you don’t meet the eligibility criteria for a Status level on your Review Date, you’ll be downgraded to the Status level below your current Status level.
We may upgrade, downgrade or maintain your Status level in accordance with these Terms.
7.2 How to upgrade or maintain your Status
To upgrade your Status, you need to have flown the number of Eligible Sectors and your Status Credits balance needs to meet the number of Status Credits set out below during the previous 365 days – calculated daily on a rolling basis.
Once you upgrade to a higher level of membership, you will have 12 months (from the day of your upgrade to your new Review Date) to achieve the required number of Status Credits and Eligible Sectors to maintain your membership.
Status level | Status Credits needed to upgrade | Eligible Sectors needed to upgrade |
Red | N/A | N/A |
Silver | 250 | 2 |
Gold | 500 | 4 |
Platinum | 1,000 | 8 |
To maintain your Status
Status level | Status Credits needed to maintain | Eligible Sectors needed to maintain |
Red | N/A | N/A |
Silver | 200 | 2 |
Gold | 400 | 4 |
Platinum | 800 | 8 |
8.1 Guaranteed Economy Reward Seats for up to 4 guests – Platinum members
Platinum members can make one Reward Seat booking in each Benefit Period, for up to 4 guests, to fly on an Economy class return flight, either on an Australian domestic or short haul international flight marketed and operated by Virgin Australia with a VA flight number, subject to these rules:
Please note that Platinum members cannot utilise their Guaranteed Economy Reward Seat benefit on Virgin Australia marketed and operated flights between Australia and Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island, Hayman Island and Doha (operated by Qatar Airways for Virgin Australia); and partner airline operated flights with a VA flight number.
8.2 Guaranteed Economy Reward Seats for up to 4 guests – Gold members
Gold members can make one Reward Seat booking with in each Benefit Period, for up to 4 guests on Economy class return flights, on an Australian domestic flight marketed and operated by Virgin Australia with a VA flight number, subject to these rules:
8.3 Complimentary partner membership – Platinum and Gold members
Platinum and Gold members are entitled to enrol once into one car hire loyalty program and one hotel loyalty program, with a nominated partner, at no charge for a minimum of 12 months (Complimentary Partner Membership). By enrolling in the Complimentary Partner Membership, you will need to accept the terms and conditions of that partner’s program.
Your membership level for Complimentary Partner Membership will be reasonably equivalent to your membership level in Velocity, as determined by the relevant partner. Complimentary Partner Membership will end after 12 months from the date of nomination by the Platinum or Gold member. Your eligibility for continued membership, and membership level, in the partner’s loyalty program after 12 months is subject to you fulfilling the eligibility requirements specified in, and complying with, the partner’s program terms and conditions.
Velocity will be selected as your nominated loyalty program for eligible Points earn transactions with the relevant partner during your Complimentary Partner Membership. Velocity will continue as your nominated loyalty program once the Complimentary Partner Membership has ended, unless you contact the partner and change it.
We’re not responsible for the delivery of partner programs, including the provision of membership benefits in the partner program.
8.4 Virgin Australia Lounge access – Platinum, Gold and Silver members
Platinum and Gold members are entitled to complimentary access to the Virgin Australia Lounge during their Benefit Period. Silver members are allocated 2 single-entry vouchers upon reaching or maintaining Silver Status; these expire 12 months after being added to your Velocity account. Virgin Australia Lounges do not include the Beyond Lounges and are only available in selected airports in Australia. Entry to the Virgin Australia Lounge is subject to the terms and conditions of the Virgin Australia Lounge. Lounge access may be limited during peak periods and disruptions, like during poor weather. View a list of Virgin Australia Domestic Lounge locations.
Lounge passes are non-transferable and must be used either by you or a guest accompanying you (if you’re already entitled to access the Virgin Australia Lounge).
8.5 Airline partner Lounge access – Platinum and Gold members
Platinum and Gold members are entitled to complimentary access to selected partner lounges during their Benefit Period. When you visit a lounge operated by our partner (like Singapore Airlines or Etihad Airways) you’ll need to present your boarding pass and Velocity card. Entry to partner lounges is subject to the partners’ terms and conditions, find more information
8.6 Fly Ahead – Platinum and Gold members
Platinum and Gold members with a confirmed booking for a Virgin Australia marketed and operated domestic flight, who arrive at the airport in time for an earlier flight than their booked flight, can request that they and up to 3 accompanying guests on the same booking, be carried on an earlier domestic flight, on the same route, operating on the same day, as their original booking (Fly Ahead).
A Fly Ahead request is not guaranteed, and in addition to the above rules, is subject to the following rules:
8.7 Membership pause for parental leave – Platinum, Gold and Silver members
Platinum, Gold and Silver members who wish to spend time caring for a child under 2 years (including adoption) can apply to have their Velocity account paused for 6 months to maintain a Status level (Membership Pause). We’ll reasonably consider any request for Membership Pause requested during your Benefit Period only (i.e. while you still have your Status).
You’re entitled to apply for Membership Pause once for each child, up until that child reaches 2 years. There can be up to 2 member parents on Membership Pause, for the same child, at any one time. You can call the Membership Contact Centre to apply for Membership Pause. You’re limited to one approved Membership Pause each 24 month period.
During the Membership Pause, you:
At the end of the Membership Pause, you’ll maintain your existing Status level for a further 12 months, unless you have enough Status Credits in your balance and have flown the required number of Eligible Sectors to upgrade to a higher Status level.
Members can make a priority waitlist booking for an eligible fare type (specified below) in a cabin if all seats in the desired cabin of a Virgin Australia marketed and operated flight are fully booked. If a seat becomes available in the desired cabin, priority to purchase that seat will be given to members according to their Status level in the following order: Platinum members first, then Gold members, then Silver members, and then Red members. A priority waitlist booking doesn't guarantee that a seat in the desired cabin will be made available for purchase.
If the member has already purchased a Virgin Australia marketed and operated flight, they may request to be put on the waitlist for a different cabin or flight via the Guest Contact Centre (for purchases made through the website or over the phone) or travel agent (for purchases made with a travel agent).
Bookings directly with Virgin Australia: If the member has already purchased a Virgin Australia marketed and operated flight through a Virgin Australia direct channel (e.g., virginaustralia.com or the Guest Contact Centre), and the priority waitlist is successful, the fare payable will be a full Economy or Business Class fare. Members may request a priority waitlist for these fares with the Guest Contact Centre.
Bookings through travel agents or other third parties: If the member has already purchased a Virgin Australia marketed and operated flight through a third party (e.g., a travel agent), and the priority waitlist is successful, the fare payable will be a full Economy Flex or Business class fare. Members may request a priority waitilist for these fares with their Travel Agent.
If the member hasn't already purchased a Virgin Australia marketed and operated flight, they may request to be put on the waitlist via the Guest Contact Centre or their travel agent.
UpgradeMe Points flight upgrades allows you to use Points to upgrade to a higher cabin class on domstic and international short-haul Virgin Australia marketed and operated flights (we call this benefit UpgradeMe Points).
UpgradeMe Points flight upgrades are not available on Virgin Australia flights to Doha (operated by Qatar Airways for Virgin Australia).
Domestic | International Short Haul |
What is it? | Allows you to use Points to upgrade to Business Class. | |
Where can I book it? | On the Velocity Website, a Virgin Australia airport check-in counter, Virgin Australia Domestic Lounge (for members who have access) or by calling the Membership Contact Centre. A fee may apply if you book through the Membership Contact Centre, with the exception of when your original booking contains a specific service request. |
On the Velocity Website, a Virgin Australia airport check in counter or by calling the Membership Contact Centre. A fee may apply if you book through the Membership Contact Centre, with the exception of when your original booking contains a specific service request. |
Who is eligible? | All Members with an existing Economy Flex or Economy Choice fare booking (Economy Lite fares are ineligible for Upgrades). Members may upgrade themselves, their travelling companions or any other traveller. |
Are there limits on availability? | Yes – availability is limited. Availability may be limited or not available at all particularly during peak travel periods (e.g. school and public holidays), on international flights and within the business class cabin, due to the popularity of these services. |
What will it cost me? | See Domestic Flight Upgrades table available on the Velocity Website. |
See International Short Haul Flight Upgrades table available on the Velocity website. |
You need to have the required Points in your Velocity account at the time you request an upgrade. | ||
When do I need to request an upgrade by? | Velocity website: No later than 4 hours prior to scheduled departure Membership Contact Centre: No later than 2 hours prior to scheduled flight departure. Virgin Australia airport check-in counter: No later than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled flight departure time. Virgin Australia Domestic Lounge: No later than 30 minutes prior to the scheduled flight departure time. |
Velocity Website: No later than 4 hours prior to scheduled departure Membership Contact Centre: No later than 2 hours prior to scheduled flight departure. Virgin Australia airport check-in counter: No later than 60 minutes prior to the scheduled flight departure time. |
If you are travelling on a group booking you must check for eligibility and request via Groups Department at least 24 hours prior to departure. |
Will I earn more Points and Status Credits if my upgrade is successful? | No – You’ll earn Points and Status Credits based on the original fare type you booked, and not the upgraded booking. |
Can I request an upgrade at the Virgin Australia Domestic Lounge? | Yes, where Red, Silver and Gold members are entitled to access the Virgin Australia Domestic Lounge, these members can request an upgrade between 30 minutes and 2 hours prior to a flight’s scheduled departure time. A Virgin Australia Lounge can only accept upgrade requests for flights that are departing from the airport the Lounge is located. Platinum members may request an upgrade on any same-day Virgin Australia operated domestic lounges sector from any |
No – but you can request an upgrade at the airport check-in counter.Changes to your upgrade |
Changes to your upgrade | This section sets out the conditions that apply if you want to change or cancel your upgrade, or if we need to make changes to your booking. These are in addition to your rights under applicable laws, including the Australian Consumer Law. | |
Can I cancel or change a confirmed upgrade? | Changes by you: Permitted, provided you request it at least 24 hours before a flight’s scheduled departure and you pay the applicable fee set out in clause 11.1. Fee waived for Platinum members. Cancellation by you (reverts to your original purchased fare type): Permitted, provided you request it at least 24 hours before a flight’s scheduled departure, the original fare is still available on that Flight Sector and you pay the applicable fee set out in clause 11.1. Fee waived for Platinum members. If you cancel or change a confirmed upgrade less than 24 hours before a flight’s scheduled departure (even if the upgrade was issued at one of Virgin Australia Lounges), or fail to board a flight, you’ll forfeit the Points used to redeem the UpgradeMe Points upgrade . Requests to change or cancel a confirmed upgrade can be made by calling the Membership Contact Centre. |
What if Virgin Australia cancels or changes my flight? | If your flight is changed or cancelled by Virgin Australia, and Virgin Australia re-accommodates you onto another flight in the original cabin class booked, you may request a refund of the Points used for your upgrade. You may also request a refund of the Points used for your upgrade if you are not seated in the upgraded cabin class for reasons other than your own act or omission, including, but not limited to, a change in aircraft, or a delay in a Virgin Australia connecting flight that results in you missing their connection for which you received an upgrade. To request a refund, you are required to submit a request through Velocity’s feedback form, selecting “General Enquiry” as the feedback type and category “Redeeming”. The request for a refund must include information to support your request, such as your booking reference. If you are unable to provide sufficient information to enable Virgin Australia to assess the request, Virgin Australia may not be able to assess your request for a refund. information to support your request. If you are unable to provide sufficient information to enable Virgin Australia to assess the request, Virgin Australia may not be able to process the refund. |
What is included in the upgrade? |
Any other restrictions? | The fare rules applicable to the fare originally purchased will apply, regardless of upgraded class of travel. This includes the fare rules relating to:
Full catering may also not be available if upgraded to Business class when an upgrade is requested within 3 hours of departure. If you have made any special requests for your booking (e.g. a Mobility or Medical Assistance request), and want to request an upgrade, please contact our Membership Contact Centre at least two hours prior to the scheduled flight departure time. Upgrade requests for multiple guests require the Points to come from one Velocity account only. Not available on Reward Seats. Can’t be used in conjunction with an open dated ticket. Any fees for additional services purchased as part of the original purchased fare will not be refunded if not already included in the new fare (unless you’re entitled to a refund for the amount paid under the Australian Consumer Law). |
Can I go on a waitlist if I can’t get a confirmed upgrade? | Yes – you can only request to waitlist if you’re unable to secure a confirmed upgrade. You can register to waitlist by accessing your booking on the Virgin Australia Website, or calling the Membership Contact Centre at least 4 hours before scheduled flight departure. You need enough Points in your Velocity account at the time the waitlist is requested and for the duration of the waitlist period. A waitlist request will be cancelled if the booking is cancelled, if you check in to your flight, if you voluntarily change your booking date or time or if an airline partner change occurs to the flight and the departure or arrival port of the flight is changed. |
When will I know if my waitlist becomes a confirmed upgrade? | If there is availability in the requested class of service, an email confirmation will be sent to members whose waitlist request is successful. No email is sent to unsuccessful waitlisted members. |
If there are no seats available for sale in the Economy cabin on a domestic or short-haul international Virgin Australia marketed and operated flight, a Platinum member may be able to purchase up to two Economy Flex fare seats on that flight (must be full Economy fare) (Priority Economy Seat), subject to these rules:
Please note this is not available on Virgin Australia flights to Doha (operated by Qatar Airways for Virgin Australia).
In each Benefit Period, Platinum members who have paid the full fare for an Economy Flex fare are entitled to a complimentary upgrade to Business class on up to 4 Virgin Australia marketed and operated domestic or international short haul Flight Sectors (Upgrade). This benefit is available subject to these rules:
Requesting Upgrades by contacting the Member Contact Centre
Requesting Upgrades at a Virgin Australia Lounge
Changes and cancellations
Any restrictions?
9.3 Companion Gold and Companion Platinum membership
If a Platinum member earns 500 Status Credits over and above the required number of Status Credits to maintain their Platinum Status (800 Status Credits) within their Benefit Period (total 1,300 Status Credits), the member is entitled to nominate a family member or friend, who is a Velocity member, to be awarded Gold Status (Companion Gold).
If a Platinum member earns 1,000 Status Credits over and above the required number of Status Credits to maintain their Platinum Status (800 Status Credits) within their Benefit Period (total 1,800 Status Credits), their nominated Companion Gold member can be upgraded to Platinum Status (Companion Platinum) by calling the Membership Contact Centre. If the Platinum member hasn’t previously nominated a Companion Gold member, then they are entitled to nominate a Companion Platinum member.
A Platinum member may nominate a Companion Gold or Companion Platinum member by calling the Membership Contact Centre at any time up until 12 months after the date the Platinum member becomes entitled to use this benefit. When a member is upgraded to Companion Gold or Companion Platinum membership, the nominated companion member will be notified by email. You can’t change the nominated companion member once they’re upgraded.
Companion Gold and Companion Platinum membership is valid for 12 months from the date of the relevant upgrade. On expiry of the 12 month period, the nominated member’s membership level will be assessed in accordance with these Terms.
10.1 Pilot Gold or Discover Gold
We may offer selected members the ability to trial Gold Status for 3 months (this is called a Pilot Gold or Discover Gold Trial). We offer this benefit at our discretion and we don’t guarantee that you’ll be offered it.
During a Pilot Gold or Discover Gold Trial:
You can maintain Gold Status for a further 12 months if your Status Credit balance reaches 80 Status Credits and you fly at least one Eligible Sector, before the Pilot Gold or Discover Gold Trial ends. If you don’t achieve this, your Status level will be assessed in accordance with these Terms, and you will receive Velocity Silver Status for a period of 12 months.
Points Transfer to an eligible Family Member | $20 or 2,500 Points per transaction | No service fee |
Points Transfer - Airlines to another Airline Loyalty Program | $20 or 2,500 Points per transaction | No service fee |
Velocity Rewards Store redemption | $20 or 2,500 Points per transaction | No service fee |
Points Booster transaction | $20 or 2,500 Points per transaction | No service fee |
Redeem Points for flight Reward bookings on Virgin Australia domestic and international short haul flights |
$40 or 5,200 Points per person per booking | No service fee |
Redeem Points for flight Reward bookings on airline partner flights available online | $70 or 8,800 Points per person per booking | No service fee |
Reward Seat Change and Cancellation Fees (Where changes and cancellations are permitted) |
4,500 Points or $35 charge per person per booking for domestic bookings and 7,500 Points or $60 charge per person per booking for international bookings |
4,500 Points or $35 charge per person per booking for domestic bookings and 7,500 Points or $60 charge per person per booking for international bookings |
UpgradeMe Points |
$40 or 5,200 Points per person per booking if the request can be made online. |
No service fee |
Combined Reward and Any Seat itinerary Change Fees |
Economy Lite, Choice or Flex fare Any Seats combined with a Reward Seat will be subject to the most restrictive rules and fees, depending on the flight segment(s) being changed. Click here to review the applicable fees. | Not available |
Change or cancellation of an UpgradeMe Points more than 24 hours before the flight’s scheduled departure |
$35 or 4,500 Points per person per booking (waived for Platinum members) |
Not available on Velocity website |
Reward Seat Carrier Charges | A Carrier charge applies to Reward Seat bookings with selected carriers. Click here for more information on carrier charges. | |
11.2 You’re responsible for any tax liabilities
We aren’t responsible for and we make no representations about any tax liability in connection with you participating in Velocity or using any Rewards, member benefits or other features of Velocity. You’re solely responsible for all taxes, GST, duties, levies, fees, charges or other liabilities (Taxes) in connection with your participation in Velocity, Points and Status Credits earned, Points redeemed, the use of Points and Rewards, member benefits and otherwise. You should seek advice from your professional accountant or tax adviser to ensure you understand any possible Taxes related to your participation in Velocity.
In addition to the Points required for a Reward, the redemption of Points and the supply of Rewards may be subject to Taxes. You’re responsible for paying all Taxes. Where the amount of Taxes is known to us and directly related to a Reward, it will be displayed on the Velocity website or made available by contacting the Membership Contact Centre. This applies to all Rewards whether these are provided or sourced by us, Virgin Australia or a partner. However, display of any Taxes will not relieve you of responsibility to inform yourself of applicable tax implications related to your participation in Velocity. This clause survives termination or expiry of these Terms and the suspension or cancellation of Velocity.
11.3 Subcontracting, assignment and severing invalid terms
We may choose to appoint other parties from time to time to provide services in relation to the operation and management of the Velocity program. For example, Velocity Frequent Flyer Pty Ltd provides certain services to us as part of the Velocity program and you’ll likely deal with them while you’re a member. Even if we do this, these Terms remain a contract between you and us only. We can also assign, transfer, novate, encumber or otherwise deal with some or all of our rights or obligations under these Terms at any time without needing your consent, including to or in favour of a financier of us (or our related entities).
If a provision of these Terms is invalid or unenforceable under law, that provision will be read down as far as possible to give it a valid operation. If that isn’t possible, the provision will be removed, and the remaining provisions of these Terms won’t be affected, as far as possible.