Redeem your Points for a worthy cause...

(and we're not just talking about flight upgrades). 

It’s no secret that climate change is an increasingly pressing problem in the modern world. As advancements continue to power us forward, greenhouse emissions levels (like carbon dioxide) increase, furthering the cycle and associated impact of global warming.

It’s vital that the activities we do produce positive and sustainable results on the environment, including when we travel! And contrary to popular opinion, doing your part to minimise the impact of greenhouse emissions is in fact, a very achievable thing. It’s so achievable, that you can even do it next time you step on a plane via carbon offsetting. Keep reading to find out how you can be a more responsible flyer.

What is carbon offsetting?

Aviation fuel releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and other emissions into the atmosphere, and globally,  the aviation industry produces around 2% of all human-induced CO2 emissions. Put simply, it’s a huge downside of flying. While organisations like Virgin Australia are committed to using sustainable aviation fuels in order to help reduce these emissions, carbon offsetting is another piece of the puzzle in moving towards being carbon neutral. 

Here’s how carbon offsetting works: In the case of airlines, the amount of fuel used for the flight is calculated, along with the equivalent emissions released. Then, guests can choose to pay an extra fee, which is put towards projects that reduce other emissions.

How can I carbon offset?

We’re glad you asked. If you booked directly at, you’ll be given the option to offset your trip, and you can use your Velocity Points to do it! All you need to do is head to the Travel Extras section and add-on the Carbon Offset during the booking process.

If you’ve already got an existing booking, it’s not too late! Simply log in to ‘Manage Bookings’, and you’ll be given the option to purchase the offset. Think of it as your small contribution towards the greater environmental good. 

Where are my Points going?

Rest assured, your hard-earned Points or cash contributions go towards worthy carbon offset causes. Through a partnership with the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC), Virgin Australia guests who choose to offset their flights are actively supporting its New Leaf Project, which involves the preservation of Tasmania’s native forests, species and ecosystems.

Every year, Virgin Australia offsets over 50,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions, and has operated its carbon offset scheme, Fly Carbon Neutral, for over 10 years. During that time, over four million seats have been offset. This equates to about 500,000 tonnes of carbon emissions, which can power 91,000 homes for a year, or fly to the moon 33 times (you know, if you’re ever so inclined).

So, next time you’re booking a flight, consider doing your part to support Fly Carbon Neutral. Your contribution won’t go unnoticed. 

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